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Troubleshoot wallpaper-related issues on the host computer in LogMeIn Central

You can manually allow the wallpaper to be displayed on the host.

  1. Log in to your account at
  2. Select a host and connect to its Dashboard.
  3. Once at the main screen, select the Preferences > General menu.
    Can't see this option? Make sure you have the Allow full Remote Control permission enabled.
  4. Clear the box next to Disable wallpaper and user interface effects on host computer then scroll to the bottom of the page, and select Apply.

    Can't edit that field? A host preference package is most likely applied to the host. You have the following options to change the wallpaper setting:

What to do next:

The next time you connect to the host computer remotely, you will see the wallpaper.

Note: This may slow down your connection to your host computer.
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