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Manage Organization Users

Admins that sign in to the Organization Center can set up and manage organization users, which are users who are involved with Enterprise Sign-In (SSO). Their level of involvement will depend on the role you assign to them in the Organization Center.

The Users tab in the Organization Center provides access to your organization users. Each user has one of the following roles:

  • Admin (Read & Write) – Individuals who can log in to the Organization Center and manage all settings. They may or may not be GoTo account holders themselves.
  • Admin (Read Only) – Individuals who can log in to the Organization Center and view settings, but not modify them. They may or may not be GoTo account holders themselves.
  • User – Individuals with GoTo accounts who use Enterprise Sign-In, but do not need Organization Center access.

You can add, delete, and update organization users. If the user already has an account ID (an account for LogMeIn Centrals, for instance), you must still add them to the organization. They can then authenticate through its IdP, and because their ID is a company ID, they can no longer change their own email address. If they do not have a product account login, they are provisioned with one but it is not associated with a specific product unless you have set up your system to do this through a user provisioning service , .

Add users to the Organization Center

These users will be involved with Enterprise Sign-In (SSO), depending on the role you specify.

Users are defined by name, email, locale, and role. The filter option above the Role column allows you to search for any text string in the emails or names of users.
  1. Sign in to the GoTo Organization Center at
  2. Choose the Users tab.
  3. Select Add.
  4. Enter the new user data:
    • The user email domain must be one of your verified organization domains.
    • Available locales display in a drop-down.
    • Role relates to the Organization Center. No role is appropriate for most users: they have no access to the Organization Center. A read-only role allows a user into the Center with full access to view the data, but with no ability to create or edit data. Read-write access enables full admin access to the Center.
  5. Select Save when finished.
    Note:  Organization Admins can edit their own first name, last name, and email, but not their role, and they cannot delete themselves.

Delete users from the Organization Center

Deleting a user removes them from the organization. Delete also removes the user’s account ID, and therefore any product access as well all product data such as their meeting history, future scheduled meetings, etc. You could alternatively remove product access from the user in the GoTo Admin Center (classic) to revoke access while retaining the data.

  1. Sign in to the GoTo Organization Center at
  2. Select the Users tab.
    Note: The filter option above the Role column allows you to search for any text string in the emails or names of users.
  3. Check the box next to your desired user, then select Delete.
  4. When prompted, select Delete to confirm.
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