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Adding a TXT Record to a DNS Server

In order to define a domain organization with GoTo, you need to validate your company's ownership of specific email domains. One option is to add a text record to your domain's DNS settings. GoTo can then query the server and receive confirmation back of your ownership.

Alternatively, you can upload a plain-text file to your web server root containing a verification string. For more information, please view Domains in the Organization Center.

A TXT record contains information specifically intended for sources outside your domain. The text can be either human- or machine-readable and can be used for a variety of purposes including verifying domain ownership, authorizing senders with SPF, adding digital email signatures, and preventing outgoing spam.

Note:  If you have multiple domains to verify, you will need to add a text record for each domain.

Identify your domain host

If you do not know who is hosting your domain, there is a simple method for finding out. The following example uses the online utility site Whois.

  1. Open
  2. Select Whois and enter the domain name.
  3. Select Search.
  4. In the results, locate the name server for the site (e.g., This is the domain host.

Add a TXT record

The method to add a text record to your domain will vary with hosts. The generic steps to add a text record to your domain are listed below.

    1. Sign in to your domain's account at your domain host.
    2. Locate the page for updating your domain's DNS records. The page may be called DNS Management, Name Server Management, or Advanced Settings.
    3. Locate the TXT records for your domain on this page.
    4. Add a TXT record for the domain and for each subdomain (view "Use Cases" below).
    5. Save your changes and wait until they take effect, which can range from a few minutes to up to 72 hours.
    6. You can verify that the change has taken place by opening a command line and entering one of the following commands below (based on your operating system):
  • For Unix and Linux systems:$ dig TXT For Windows systems:c:\ > nslookup -type=TXT

    1. The response will display on its own line (not appended to another), and will look something like: 3600 IN TXT "logmein-verification-code=976afe6f-8039-40e4-95a5-261b462c9a36"

Use cases

Domain verification for domain using 2 different methods (shown below).

Name TTL* Type Value / Answer / Destination
@ 3600 IN TXT "logmein-verification-code=976afe6f-8039-40e4-95a5-261b462c9a36” 3600 IN TXT "logmein-verification-code=976afe6f-8039-40e4-95a5-261b462c9a36”

Subdomain verification for

Name TTL* Type Value / Answer / Destination 3600 IN TXT
Note: * TTL - Time To Live - is the number of seconds before changes to the TXT record go into effect.
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