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View LogMeIn Pro subscription information

View information about your subscriptions to products and services.

Tip: Looking for Billing history? You must be a Master Account Holder to find that information. See View or change contact/billing information in LogMeIn Pro.
  1. Go to
  2. Log in to your account using your LogMeIn ID (email address).
    You are redirected to the GoTo sign in page.
  3. Make sure your email address is correct and select Next.
  4. Type your password and select Sign In.

    Result: The Computers page is displayed.

  5. At the top of the page, select Settings and then Subscriptions.
    You are redirected to GoTo Admin, which is our common billing platform.

    Result: All subscriptions to GoTo products and services that are associated with your LogMeIn ID are listed. The information displayed includes Product, Type, Start date, Expiration date, and Renewal Price.

    Can't find subscription information in GoTo Admin?

    Contact Support

What is the difference between an account and a subscription?

When you register your email address at, you create an account. Your email and password together make up your LogMeIn ID, which you use to log in at Your LogMeIn ID is not valid for a remote host.

To use certain services, you will be required to purchase a subscription. A subscription can expire. An account does not expire.

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