Add users to your LogMeIn Pro account
Invite others to access computers in your account.
Results: The invited users are sent an invitation email. They must open the invitation and select the invitation link. Any invitee who is not yet a user will be prompted to create an account. Any invitee who is already a user will have a new profile added to his existing account: User of [your "Company Name"].
Are you looking to remove users from your account?
On the
page, select the users you want to delete and select Delete Users at the top of the page.Deleted users won't be able to access computers under your account, but they will still be able to access computers under their own accounts. In other words, you can't and won't delete their LogMeIn Pro accounts.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Can I make another user the master account holder of my account?
- No. To change the master account holder, you must contact us by selecting Customer Support on this page.
- Why can't my User see any of the computers I have assigned to them?
Your users may complain that they can't see the correct computers in your account.
This happens when they are using their own Account Holder profile rather than the User profile that gives them access to your account.
Ask your user to log in to their account and select the proper user profile from menu in the top-right of LogMeIn Pro. Their user profile should be similar to this:
User of [your "Company Name"]
- Can I withdraw an invitation?
- Yes. In LogMeIn Pro, on the Users page, select the Delete icon next to t he user you no longer want to invite.
- Can I upgrade my subscription to have more users?
- You don't need to purchase another subscription to invite more users to your account. You only need to upgrade your subscription to manage more computers under your account.