Troubleshooting blocked IP addresses in LogMeIn Central
Repeated failure to enter a valid Windows/Mac user name and password can result in IP Lockout. This means you won't be able to continue to attempt to log in from the same computer until the lockout is resolved. The lockout remains in effect for 30 minutes by default.
- One common reason for failed login is that users enter their LogMeIn ID and password, not their computer user name and password. See also Logging in to the remote host.
- Another issue can be when the remote computer is on a domain and you forget to add the domain name to the user field. For example, when the domain name is mycompany and the username is jsmith, then your login name will be mycompany/jsmith.
To clear an IP address lockout without waiting for 30 minutes, you must have physical access to the host computer.
Results: You should be able to return to the original client computer (the one that was locked out) and log in with valid credentials.
For more information about how GoTo protects your host computers, see Set up an authentication attack blocker in LogMeIn Central.
If the above solution does not work,
Frequently Asked Questions
- Why can't I get a link to reset my password?
- Because we are talking about your computer. We have no idea what your password is and have no way to reset it on your behalf. If anyone could simply reset your computer's password, you'd be in trouble. In short, it is only you who can initiate the reset process for your host/computer password.
- Do I have to wait until the lockout period expires to retry entering my host password?
- Yes. Unless you physically go to your remote computer and log in.
- Can I change the lockout time for a host?
- Yes, but you have to physically log in to the host to do so. See Set up an authentication attack blocker in LogMeIn Central.
- Can I change the number of failed attempts before the system locks the host?
- Yes. See Set up an authentication attack blocker in LogMeIn Central.
- Can I change the lockout time or the maximum number of failed login attempts to all my hosts?
- No. There is no host preference package that you could use to apply authentication blocker settings to multiple hosts.