Only perform these steps if you are comfortable working with the command line interface.
Important: This test applies to Windows systems only.
- Download the zip file
- From the zip file, save woltest.exe to the computer you want to wake. The computer cannot be asleep when you do this.
- On the computer you want to wake, open a command prompt and go to the directory to which you unzipped woltest.exe.
- Enter the command woltest -info and press Enter.
- Review the resulting data and take note of the MAC address,Local IP, and subnet mask.
- Place the computer you want to wake into sleep mode.
- Move to any other Windows PC on your LAN and repeat steps 1-2 above.
- Open a command prompt and go to the directory to which you unzipped woltest.exe.
- Using the information you took note of in step 5, enter the following command: woltest -wake -mac [MAC address for interface] -ip [Local IP address on interface] -subnet [Local subnet mask on interface] and press Enter.
For example:
woltest -wake -mac 00:0c:20:1c:51:29 -ip -subnet
Result: This should wake up the sleeping computer. If not, your system may not be compatible with Wake On LAN.